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Chemical Hazard and Risk Assessments Services

A well prepared chemical hazard, exposure and risk assessment can benefit a company in many ways; from identifying possible concerns with a regulatory filing submission and address those concerns BEFORE submission, review and prioritization under product stewardship codes, and to help pinpoint where testing may best benefit a substance.

Specific areas where this may be beneficial include: TSCA PMN Support (PMN Solutions/Sustainable Futures Pollution Prevention (P2) Framework Assessments), High production Volume Chemical (HPV) Chemical Data Support, Product Stewardship, Canadian NSN submissions, Chemical catalog review and prioritization, as well as many others.


CERM is a recognized expert in the field of Chemical Hazard, Exposure, and Risk Screening Services. We have assessed hundreds of chemicals for a variety of purposes and situations and know not only how to complete the assessment, but how to interpret the results and how they may affect a regulatory outcome.


We are considered a center of excellence with the US EPA Pollution Prevention (P2) Framework tools and models; including EPI Suite, ECOSAR, OncoLogic, ChemSTEER, and E-FAST, among others. We are also proficient with a wide variety of additional models and tools; including the OECD QSAR Toolbox, Predictive Toxicological tools and methods, Pharmaco-Kinetic modeling, and in-depth site specific risk assessment techniques.


Hazard Assessment

  • The hazard assessment uses predictive modeling based on structure-activity relationships (SARs and QSARs) to address these areas. We can also use supportive modeling to help address certain issues.

  • The Hazard assessment addresses several key areas: physical chemical properties, environmental fate and partitioning, Ecotoxicity, bioaccumulation, and mammalian/human health hazards. CERM can tailor an assessment to address all or some of these as needed.


Exposure and Risk Assessment

  • The Screening level Exposure and Risk assessment are usually complimentary and completed in tandem. ChemSTEER and E-FAST are often the primary tools used for this, but we have the ability to use more complex models or paradigms as necessary.

  • This section is often key to understanding and supporting regulatory submissions and addressing/mitigating concerns.

  • Exposure and Risk assessment is increasingly seen as an integral component of Chemical Stewardship and Regulatory submission processes.


CERM can offer help develop and provide the right chemical predictive methodologies for your needs.


The Chemical Hazard, Exposure and Risk Assessment is supportive and linked with many of the other service areas we provide. For more information or to discuss how we can meet your needs, please contact Peter Ranslow.

Specific Service Areas where a Chemical Assessment can help include:

PMN Support/ Sustainable Futures

High Production Volume (HPV) Chemical Challenge Support

Toxicological Predictive Modeling


Additional Information


For specific information on how a P2 Framework Chemical Hazard and Risk Assessment can help a TSCA PMN Submission, please follow this link.


More information on the models used for the release and exposure assessment, including free downloads of the models themselves, can be found here on the EPA site. (By clicking this link you will be leaving the CERM website).

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